Revolution North of England Championships 2013
Revolution North of England Championships 2013
Balby Carr Sports College, Doncaster
The first Revolution of in our 8th Year as a Tournament Circuit was a huge success. So many people to thank. All the Referees, Forms Judges, Assistant Referees, Scorekeeper, Timekeepers, Registration Staff, Weigh In Staff and General Assistants. We are truly blessed to have such a great team. Thank you everyone.
Well the event was very well attended, it was worrying times as we were nearly cancelled off because of the snow and some clubs couldn't get because of the snow in their part of the country but it was still jam packed and a great day.
The standards get higher and higher every competition with some amazing competitors. We had World Champions and first timers all in there giving 100% and making their Schools & Instructors proud.
This Tournament is one of the 2 qualifiers for the Fight Night in September (Points & Continuous) and also the winners of the Swords & Forms Categories qualify as "Seeds" for the English Championships (13th October) so there was a lot on the line. The other qualifier is the South of England Championships in Basingstoke in May.
All winners of the categories get the automatic Fight Night/Forms & Swords spot. Some categories had 1 entrant and that person got the fight night spot but they all fought in the category above to earn their spot. Anyone is welcome to fight for their Fight Night spot or their Forms/Swords seed at Basingstoke but please note for Fight Night there is no fights where its 2 people from the same club fighting. So if someone from your club is in Fight Night for your division they have that spot. Forms and Swords its not a problem as it's a Tournament environment not a 1 on 1 fight.
Here are the results:
Empty Hands
1 Under 7's
1. Tegan Burns (BSBB)
2 Coloured Belt Boys
1. Kieron Stuart (ACMAC)
2. Harry Wilmott (Nactics)
3. Alfie Cane (BSBB)
3 Coloured Belt Girls
1. Sophie Hawkins (ACMAC)
2. Ella Dews (Nactivs)
3. Ella Wilmott (Nactics)
4 Black Belt Boys
1. Joe Thompson (UMA)
2. Reuben Welsby (CJMA)
3. Callum Maclean (MACMA)
5 Black Belt Girls
1. Lauran Renwick (ACMAC)
2. Molly Dunbavin (Nactics)
3. Beth Ward (Nactics)
6 Coloured Belt Adults
1. Beer Klongklaew (NTSKB)
2. Barry Ives (BSBB)
3. Carmen McLeod (BSBB)
7 Black Belt Men
1. Stuart Wade (ACMAC)
2. Andrew Moore (OXMA)
3. Jon Glarvey (Rawcon)
8 Black Belt Women
1. Michelle Turnbull (BSBB)
2. Libby Sansom (BSBB)
3. Nicola Banks (Nactics)
9 Musical Forms
1. Lauran Renwick (ACMAC)
2. Ella Wilmott (Nactics)
3. Kian Carr (Nactics)
10 Musical Weapons
1. Kian Carr (Nactics)
2. Sophie Hawkins (ACMAC)
Weapon Forms
13 Coloured Belts Kids
1. Suzie Whitford (Warrior)
2. Harry Wilmott (Nactics)
3. Alex McManus (BSBB)
14 Black Belt Boys
1. Jonjo Boyes (BSBB)
2. Reuben Welsby (CJMA)
3. Callum Taylor (ACMAC)
15 Black Belt Girls
1. Aoibh Bourke (BSBB)
2. Milly Sansom (BSBB)
3. Lauran Renwick (ACMAC)
16 Coloured Belt Adults
1. Carmen McLeod (BSBB)
2. Alastair Bell (ACMAC)
17 Black Belt Adults
1. Michelle Turnbull (BSBB)
2. Libby Sansom (BSBB)
18 Kids Team Forms
1. Lauran & Sophie (ACMAC)
2. Siobhan, Ella, Ella & Harry (Nactics)
3. Beth, Molly & Courtney (Nactics)
19 Adult Team Forms
1. Barry & Michelle (BSBB)
2. Craig & Craig (Nactics)
20 Boys/Girls -25kgs
1. Dylan Satchwell (ACMAC)
2. Billy Brookes (CLBBS)
3. Bethany Jones (EMW)
21 Boys/Girls -30kgs
1. Harvey Anthoney (UMA)
2. Robbie Cowell (EMW)
3. Shea Hughes (ACMAC)
22 Boys -35kgs
1. Aidan Hughes (ACMAC)
2. Matthew Knox (BSBB)
3. Callum Gray (EMW)
23 Boys -45kgs
1. Charlie Ransford (Spirit)
2. Brogan Johnstone (EMW)
3. Jamie Douds (EMW)
24 Boys -55kgs
1. Callum Taylor (ACMAC)
2. Owen Taylor (ACMAC)
3. Corey Davison (NTSKB)
25 Boys +55kgs
1. Connor Lohan (UMA)
2. Joe Thompson (UMA)
3. Jonjo Boyes (BSBB)
26 Girls -35kgs
1. Eleanor Gray (EMW)
2. Rubi Hoe (ACMAC)
27 Girls -45kgs
1. Molly Cooper (Spirit)
2. Tiffiny Richardson (ACMAC)
3. Milly Sansom (BSBB)
28 Girls -55kgs
1. Eleanor Baines (UMA)
2. Natalia Farrell (UMA)
3. Courtney Eardley (Nactics)
29 Girls +55kgs
1. Jade Humphries (Spirit)
2. Aoibh Bourke (BSBB)
3. Brooke Sockett (ACMAC)
30 Boys 16-18
1. Suneil Singh (ACMAC)
2. Joe Miller (UMA)
3. Beer Klongklaew (NTSKB)
32 Womens Beginners
1. Ash-leigh Kimber (BSBB)
2. Daniela Parker (ACMAC)
3. Vanessa Ross (CLBBS)
33 Womens Advanced -60kgs
1. May Klongkalew (NSTKB)
2. Danielle King (EMW)
34 Womens Advanced -65kgs
1. Nat Loy (ACMAC)
2. Megan Halliday (ACMAC)
3. Rebecca Wilson (DF)
35 Womens Advanced +65kgs
1. Lucy Shaw (ACMAC)
2. Kelly Ashbridge (ACMAC)
3. Helen Fawcett (UMA)
36 Womens Veterans
1. Simone Sansom (BSBB)
2. Lorna Watson (CLBBS)
3. Michelle Turnbull (BSBB)
37 Mens Beginners -75kgs
1. Jordan Brown (ACMAC)
2. Connor Donnelly (EMW)
3. Paul Hedges (EMW)
38 Mens Beginners +75kgs
1. Paul Forster (BSBB)
2. Scott McKelvie (BSBB)
3. Dan Winn (ACMAC)
39 Mens Advanced -75kgs
1. Hayden Lindley (ACMAC)
2. Craig Banks (Nactics)
3. Lee Wilson (NTSKB)
40 Mens Advanced -85kgs *1 Entry*
David Colley (ACMAC) – Fight Night Spot
41 Mens Advanced +85kgs
1. David Colley (ACMAC)
2. Stuart Wade (ACMAC) – Fight Night Spot
3. Steven Dunn (EMW)
42 Mens Veterans
1. Craig Long (CLBBS)
2. Kev Miller (ACMAC)
3. Jon Glarvey (Rawcon)
43 Boys/Girls -25kgs
1. Angelic Marie (CLBBS)
2. Jayden Birch (OXMA)
44 Boys/Girls -30kgs
1. Shea Hughes (ACMAC)
2. Cole Rochester (CLBBS)
3. Ned McCorcmack (Warrior)
45 Boys -35kgs
1. Aidan Hughes (ACMAC)
2. Spencer Blythe (CLBBS)
3. Joel Grainger (CLBBS)
46 Boys -45kgs
1. Charlie Ransford (Spirit)
2. Mark Whitford (Warrior)
3. Jayden Bogan (ACMAC)
47 Boys -55kgs *No Entries*
48 Boys +55kgs
1. Connor Lohan (UMA)
2. Joe Gazely (Nactics)
49 Girls -45kgs *1 Entry*
Molly Cooper (Spirit) – Fight Night Spot
50 Girls -55kgs
1. Tia Rowe (ACMAC)
2. Molly Cooper (Spirit)
51 Girls +55kgs *1 Entry*
Kiera Brookes (CLBBS) – Fight Night Spot
52 Boys 16-18 years
1. Charlie Foster-Vigors (CLBBS)
2. Ryan Shiel (NTKSB)
3. Joe Miller (UMA)
53 Girls 16-18 years
1. Libby Sansom (BSBB)
2. Kiera Brookes (CLBBS)
54 Women -65kgs
1. Natalie Loy (ACMAC)
2. Rebecca Wilson (DF)
3. Megan Halliday (ACMAC)
Women +65kgs
1. Lucy Shaw (ACMAC)
2. Kelly Ashbridge (ACMAC)
3. Helen Fawcett (UMA)
56 Mens -75kgs
1. Lee Wilson (NSTKB)
2. Jordan Brown (ACMAC)
3. Eric Marie (CLBBS)
57 Mens -85kgs
1. Kev Miller (ACMAC)
2. Rich Turnbull (CLBBS)
3. Dan Winn (ACMAC)
58 Mens +85kgs
1. Stuart Wade (ACMAC)
2. Scott McKelvie (BSBB)
3. Mark Blackburn (Nactics)
59 Under 7's
1. Jamie Hardy (EMW)
2. Bill Bennett (EMW)
3. Tegan Burns (BSBB)
60 Girls -35kgs
1. Bethany Jones (EMW)
2. Rubi Hoe (ACMAC)
3. Lucy Collins (BSBB)
61 Boys -35kgs
1. Robbie Cowell (EMW)
2. Matthew Knox (BSBB)
3. Shea Hughes (ACMAC)
62 Girls -45kgs
1. Molly McDowell (BSBB)
2. Ciara Bourke (BSBB)
3. Tiffiny Richardson (ACMAC)
63 Boys -45kgs
1. Charlie Ransford (Spirit)
2. Brogan Johnstone (EMW)
3. Shaun Bell (ACMAC)
64 Girls -55kgs
1. Sophie Hawkins (ACMAC)
2. Aoibh Bourke (BSBB)
3. Tia Rowe (ACMAC)
65 Boys -55kgs
1. Oliver Talbot (Nactics)
2. Ethan Swales (Nactics)
3. Owen Taylor (ACMAC)
66 Girls +55kgs
1. Jade Humphries (Spirit)
2. Megan Burkinshaw (Nactics)
3. Brooke Sockett (ACMAC)
67 Boys +55kgs
1. Jonjo Boyes (BSBB)
2. Nathan Rollin (EMW)
3. Kieron Stuart (ACMAC)
68 Women
1. Simone Sansom (BSBB)
2. Libby Sansom (BSBB)
3. Carmen McLeod (BSBB)
69 Mens -80kgs
1. Jordan Skeels (BSBB)
2. Beer Klongklaew (NTSKB)
3. Callum Dillon (BSBB)
70 Mens +80kgs
1. Gary Sansom (BSBB)
2. Alastair Bell (ACMAC)
3. Craig Hudson (Nactics)